We are so excited to announce the launch of our latest custom website for Halka Nurseries! This website has been in development for a long time, and we’re so excited to finally be able to share it with all of you!
We worked with the team at Halka to create a custom website, including a custom tree database, that they could share with their clients (high end residential, to the government, colleges and even the World Trade Center – check out this video about what they did at the site!)
The tree database allows you to filter by species (Latin or Common Name), Fall Leaf Color or Flower Color, so you can select the right tree for your landscape. Photos for the trees are added for each season, so you can know what to expect, and descriptions are provided along with hardiness zones, shape, height and spread. The database is comprehensive, and allows Halka to easily continue to update it to better server their customers.
If you are looking for a customized Wordpress Website, contact us today, to see how we can help you build one for your business.