Instagram Post - My Son in the Sun

Here’s my latest Instagram post – my son reading his book, lit up by the sun.

  1. Remember it’s ALL Mobile. Instagram is all about your mobile device and being mobile. Take pictures wherever you are and share them.
  2. Caption Your Images. Why are they worth sharing?
  3. Tag Your Images. This is how you get your photos seen. Keep it to 5-10 tags, if you’re promoting a brick & mortar location make sure you use geo-tagging!
  4. Use Mentions. Like twitter use @username to “tag” others. This will help build your audience. Tag other businesses, people that have a similar target audience to you.
  5. It’s All About Interactions. Like other user’s photos, comment on other photos, and respond to comments on yours! It’s all about building your community!
  6. Show Your Followers Your World. What’s interesting about your world? Where are you? What do you see? Share it with your audience.
  7. Be Customer Centric. Re-post your customer’s photos. Encourage them to use a hashtag (#) or @ (you) when they post, so you can keep track of them.
  8. Be Employee Centric. Feature your employees. Compliment them on their outstanding work. Give a “face” to your business.
  9. Run Contests. And reward winners with prizes. Everyone loves the possibility of winning something, a gift certificate? They will give you their information, and now you can further build your contact list.
  10. Know the Trends. Food, Flowers, Kids, Quotes and using the hashtag: #NoFilter are the most popular photos on Instagram. Try using Canva or PicMonkey to easily create custom photos/quotes – then send them to your email and post from your phone.

Happy Instagram-ing! And don’t forget to tag: #crearemarketing when posting your photo!